I Know How to Brush My Teeth
I Know How to Brush My Teeth
I know how to brush my teeth
I brush on top and underneath
Up like a rocket
Down like a plane
Back and forth like a choo-choo train.
I Know How to Brush My Teeth
I know how to brush my teeth
I brush on top and underneath
Up like a rocket
Down like a plane
Back and forth like a choo-choo train.
This is a very special gift
That you can never see
The reason it’s so special is
It’s just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely
Or are ever feeling blue
You only have to hold this gift
And know I’m hugging you.
You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied
Just hold the box close to your heart
It’s filled with hugs inside.
Materials needed:
Hokey Pokey
You put left leg in
You take left leg out
You put left leg in and shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey and turn around
That’s what its all about!
Continue on with more body parts
Popsicle Stick Building
What You Need:
What You Do:
Ten Little Fingers
I have ten fingers and they all belong to me (hold hands up)
I can make them do things Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight (form fist)
Or open them wide (hold fingers out)
I can put them together or make them all hide (Close both fists)
I can make them jump high (put hands over head)
I can make them go low (put hands down)
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so (put hands in lap)
Paper Plate Face
What You Need:
What You Do: Have your children look in mirror and create their face on a paper plate.
Gloop Recipe Ingredients
Pour the cornflour into a bowl. Add the cold water slowly, stirring constantly and stop when the water is barely absorbed by the cornflour. The resulting solution is fascinating to play with. It can be scooped up with the fingers as a mouldable material, but flows like liquid back into the bowl. It will brush off clothing as a dry powder.
What’s On A Face?
Here’s a face, Now let’s begin
It has two ears, a nose and chin.
A mouth, two eyes, with a bushy brow
What’s on a face? We all know now
Body Parts Pairs
Two things make a pair (hold up two fingers.)
And on me, I’ll show you where (point to self)
I have two ears, and I have two eyes. (point to ears and eyes)
Both are important to make me wise!
I have two holes in my nose. (point to nose)
That lets me smell a beautiful rose (Pretend to smell a rose)
I have two hands that clap a beat. (Clap hands)
I have two feet that are really neat! (Jump up and down)
Play dough
Basic ingredients:
Mix all together and have FUN!!!!